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RE: Europa-List: Mod 74 Again

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mod 74 Again
From: Robt.C.Harrison <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:39:17
Hi! Troy 
There is a mod. Variant which allows access through the flap close out.
I requested it be considered but was "knocked back " .now having invaded
mine the variant has been produced. However you need to clearly
establish that the threaded hole is absolutely central to the sandwich
stack (including the edge of the flap hinge bracket to be "eyed" up also
in line with the edge of the same stack since the threaded hole also
goes through it. To remedy any deficiency with these items would IMHO be
very difficult through the flap close out.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG  .

                -----Original Message-----
                Sent: 18 October 2007 04:10
                Subject: Europa-List: Mod 74 Again

                Hi All,
                I have received my Mods 52 and 74. Reading over # 74 a
question comes to mind. Can anyone tell me why I was under the
impression the new rear wing pin was going to be threaded through the
flap attaching point, then a nut, within the wing. Was this an early
speculation of a possible fix? I plan to start the socket and tie bar
portion of mod 52 before getting into the wing. 

                Troy Maynor
                N120EU Europa Monowheel Classic
                Left to finish:
                Paint,(some) interior,engine install, (some) wiring.
                Weaverville, NC USA
                 << File: _AVG certification_.txt >> 

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