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Re: Europa-List: Jab cooling

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Jab cooling
From: Gilles Thesee <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 23:22:29

> I wonder if your turbulator is helping keep the flow attached over the 
> whole of the outside of the cowl? That might reduce the pressure 
> around the outlet at the back and that is what is important as we all 
> know but can't quite understand (how to make it better I mean)
> In flight the flow over the cowl will be quite assymetric
> Thoughts Gilles?

Graham, John and all,

A little busy at the moment, so I may have missed some detail on John's 
setup. I'm naturally much interested in any successful engine installation.
John, did you provide a link to your engine installation ? Sorry if I 
missed the obvious.

Please continue to give info,
Best regards,

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