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Re: Europa-List: Re: Vortex Generators

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Vortex Generators
From: Rowland & Wilma Carson <>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 21:06:56

>I am interested in checking my leading edge with a profile but I 
>could not open the file either  because I don't have any special 
>I guess if we had say an Excel file of coordinates covering the 
>front few inches we could all plot it on some cardboard or 3-ply and 
>do our checks

Bob - sorry for delay in responding. And apologies for posting to the 
list when I said I was contacting Graham off-list! I'll continue here 
now as there seems to be some wider interest.

I managed to get some sense out of the .DXF data that Graham embedded 
in his posting; CADintosh produced an almost-complete airfoil (after 
complaining about the DXF version) but TurboCAD Mac did much better 
and shows a whole profile, top & bottom, LE to TE.


>>>I made templates of the first 10 inches of section at about 8 stations

If I understand the above posting from Graham correctly, I should be 
seeing 8 partial outlines, but I can only see one complete one, so 
maybe something is getting lost in translation.

(I'm a great believer in plain ASCII files of tab-text delimited 
data. Almost any application can read and make use of that format, 
then munge it in its own way.)

Ian Rickard found the .DWG file opened OK for him, and offered to 
export it as some other format. So, Ian, if your file shows multiple 
profiles, perhaps you could let Bob & myself have a custom .DXF 
export, please (AutoCAD v12, Codepage DOS default). If the drawing is 
in layers, each one may have to be exported separately - I'm not sure 
if DXF supports layers.

Thanks for all the help on this topic.


| Rowland Carson  PFA #16532
| 750 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI  e-mail <>

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