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RE: Europa-List: Mandatory mod no 72

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mandatory mod no 72
From: Simon Smith <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 18:24:51
Given that this has been made mandatory for UK aircraft by the PFA, has
anyone had any notice of this from the PFA?



[] On Behalf Of Geoff Leedham
Sent: 12 January 2007 16:52
Subject: Europa-List: Mandatory mod no 72

Just checked on Europa's website and discovered yet another mandatory mod.

This is Mod No. 72 and involves nearly all aircraft and involves a check of
the landing frame for cracks before next flight and then fitting sleeves to
the frame before next permit renewal or 25 hours. This operation needs the
engine to be removed.

Geoff Leedham G-EOFS

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