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Europa-List: Fuel cap / Cobra reinforcement

Subject: Europa-List: Fuel cap / Cobra reinforcement
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:39:03

Just finished up my fuel cap / Cobra reinforcement tonight.
2BID with PeelPly
1/8" Balsa

I will list details in case anyone is interested:

2 BID from seam of fuse, to door frame, and 3" aft of Cobra and above
filler rebate.
Staggered each layer 1/2" shorter aft of Cobra and above filler.
After 2BID I covered with peel ply and let cure.
I bonded in place 1/8" balsa 6.5" wide. I selected 4" wide Balsa that was
long grain, very flexible width, to conform to fuse curve. I used JB Weld
Kwik (4 minute) buttered Balsa with Spackle knife. I sanded the ends of
balsa down to 1/16" prior to bondimg in place.
Then floxed edges of Balsa and laid up final BID.

I find JBing small pieces is a reasonable procedure if you don't have
necessary stuff for vacuum bagging.

I covered filler hole with Balsa. Once cured will cut filler hole, dig out
some Balsa and fill with flox.

Ron Parigoris

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