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Re: Europa-List: N40SH gets it's airworthiness certificate

Subject: Re: Europa-List: N40SH gets it's airworthiness certificate
From: Craig Ellison <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 21:45:10
Congratulations Steve!

It's fun to build but more fun by far to fly.  I've got just 20hr so far 
but haven't lost that Europa grin each and every time I fly.

Have fun,  and say hi to Bob for me.  You couldn't have a better test 

craig ellison
Silverton, OR
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve Hagar 
  To: europa-list 
  Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:19 PM
  Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Europa-List: N40SH gets it's airworthiness 

  N40SH (A143) received its airworthiness cerificate yesterday from the 
Scottsdale FSDO. It passed easily after loosening up the alierons a bit. 
 What was more satisifying however was passing the Kim Prout inspection 
after that.  It was easily three times more detailed  than the 
government inspection. Kim found a couple of  detail items.  Other than 
that she's ready to go!

  Engine runups and taxi tests in the mid day AZ triple digits revealed 
an effective  cooling setup.  As  expected, static runs produced high 
indicated temperatures.  However running at low taxi-speeds resulted in 
an immediate and solid 10 degree reduction in cylinder head temperature. 
 It is the expectation that this follows through in the upper speed 
range also.   The plane has some  Dave and Terry cooling mods as well as 
several of my own.   

  First flights will occurr when arrangements are  made with Bob 

  Steve Hagar

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