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Re: Europa-List: Warm Starting - Vapour Locking????

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Warm Starting - Vapour Locking????
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 10:54:05

In a message dated 4/1/2006 12:53:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

When I  start again from warm, its a cow to start - sounds like an old bus - 
then  when it does get going, runs great at 2,3 and 4k but at 5000 RPM, I get 
a  sudden and quite substantial (300) drop in RPM - Eventually, this goes  
away and again, it seems fine.


The 914s have a mixture enrichment feature that kicks in at around 5000 rpm  
to prevent detonation during boost.  The TCU commands a 3-way solenoid to  
switch from a low to high pressure source in the airbox effectively increasing

the pressure in the carb bowls via carb vents to slightly richen the  mixture.

If the enrichment valve is not operating properly, you could be  dumping too 
much fuel in the mixture at the switching point.  You may want  to check this 

Just a theory,


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