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Re: Europa-List: Aileron link rod adjustment

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron link rod adjustment
From: Andrew Sarangan <asarangan@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 21:27:44


I would not have thought of imbedding a nut instead of the bolt when I
was building the aileron closeouts. It is too late for me now. One
option I thought was to cut a slot in the the side-moulding near the
link rod. I only need about 5mm of extra lateral space to allow the
rod-ends to come off the bolt. Please let me know if you think this
sounds reasonable.

I tried removing the rod-end from the bellcrank via the access panel,
to check the feasibility of doing this with the wings closed. It did
not seem like a pleasant task. You would have to somehow hold the bolt
---From above with a wrench while turning the nut from below, and also
hold the bellcrank from flopping around. I can easily see myself
dropping a wrench or the nut inside the wing.

Andrew Sarangan

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