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Re: Europa-List: off-topic: Re: Display of the Pound Symbol

Subject: Re: Europa-List: off-topic: Re: Display of the Pound Symbol
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 19:57:22


In furture if I want to insert this I will write the  piece in Word  and then
>cut and paste into the email.   This should work????

Patrick - no!

I think you have missed  the vital part of Bruce's explanation - the 
UK pound sign is not  included in the 128-character US ASCII set. 
However you contrive to  insert that character (which will be 
different character codes  depending on various features of your own 
machine) in your message, it  will still NOT get transmitted as-is by  

If I send myself an email with pound sterling symbols inserted it all  comes 
out correct.  Why is this?  Sorry not to be a  technocrat.


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