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Re: Europa-List: CALLING all machinists

Subject: Re: Europa-List: CALLING all machinists
From: N55XS <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 22:11:23


I'll check my tap, in the morrow and let you know...

Jeff - N55XS
Taxi testing while waiting for inspection...

Fergus Kyle wrote:

>Ah, well..............
>            Having conquered a furious battle with alu - the production of 
>Ted Gladstone's exemplary Door Openers - after having made only four of each 
>of four samples. That's right - 16 faulty samples - a simple misread each 
>time.  In one case I made two faulty samples one after another - and each a 
>copy of the original mistake..........!
>            FINALLY, after correcting these egregious errors, and coming out 
>with perfect silhouettes and holes all in one line, I have but to drill with 
>4mm in order to thread with 5mm. Out came the treasured metric tap/thread 
>set, bought with hard-earned Canuck pennies in emerging German industrial 
>toolmaking in Munich, 1956. Narex the trade name was. I knew I would need 
>them one day.
>            Then in a fit of completion, I bought a Swedish 5mm tap and on 
>inspection, discovered it said in TINY print, "WS" and down in one corner, 
>"Coarse Thread".
>Oh-oh. I drilled 4mm on a scrap alu plate, brought out my 5mm tap, and 
>threaded a perfect hole.
>            The supplied door closer gas springs (anent "GS 8699-1  2 off") 
>plus what I call 'pivot balls', came in kit  'FUSELAGE SMALL' according to 
>my shipping records. You guessed it - the pivot balls won't thread into my 
>test plate.
>            I can only surmise that they are of the "fine" persuasion. Can 
>anyone confirm this? I am only too pleased to discover this anomaly before 
>I've tapped the 5th and final TG openers.
>            Ferg
>Europa A064
>sanding, sanding, glass cockpit and 914 to go 

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