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Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 7 Msgs - 03/06/05

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 7 Msgs - 03/06/05
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 11:20:05

In a message dated 3/7/2005 4:10:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I have installed the antennas from Advanced Aircraft Electronics. Their ad 
> reads
> good. Has anyone else used them? 

Hi Vaughn,

I've installed an Advanced Aircraft Electronics Com and transponder antennas. 
Preliminary range tests using my handheld com radio on the com antenna show 
it works quite well, although I've yet to fly with it. Using my sweep generator

I've also done some crude range testing on the transponder antenna and it 
appears to radiate well also, although I've only been able to test it at about
watts ERP because that is all my sweep generator is capable of producing. 

The com is installed on the rear of the tailpost and I cut about a 1" square 
hole in the tailpost to allow the connector housing on the antenna to pass 
through the tailpost. This way if it ever fails all I'll need to do is remove 

rudder to get at it. The transponder antenna is installed on the side of the 
fuselage about 2 feet in front of the rear bulkhead on the right side. Both 
antennae are vertically polarized, so they both are installed vertically. I 
reduxed the transponder antenna to a piece of balsa wood, then sanded the balsa
fit the curve of the side of the fuselage and reduxed it in place. The com 
antenna is stuck on with silicone.

I've performed sweep testing on both antennae and the VSWR is pretty flat on 
the com antenna across the com band and averages 1.8 across the band. The 
transponder antenna shows a VSWR of 1.2 at 1090 Mhz, so it should work well 

The big problem with the transponder was the cable requirement for my Garmin 
transponder. They require that the line loss not be more than 1.5 dB at 1090 
Mhz. I found a company who would make a low loss phased cable, but it wasn't 

The quality of the Advanced Aircraft products is excellent and I originally 
ordered a com antenna with a 90 degree connector on it, but later realized that

I needed the straight connector version. They swapped it out at no charge and 
even paid the return shipping. Nice folks to deal with!


John Lawton
Dunlap, TN
A-245 (Soon to be N245E. Working on installing heat shielding on the firewall 
and footwells today.)

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