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Europa-List: Re Exhaust problems, Engine, CO topics

Subject: Europa-List: Re Exhaust problems, Engine, CO topics
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 17:01:47
 12/20/2004 05:01:55 PM,
        Serialize complete at 12/20/2004 05:01:55 PM

Apropos the exhaust stack problems noted here last week,
I have a small cautionary tale to tell:

---From the begining of my flight test program I have had intermittant
problems with very rough  periods on my 912S.  I had a known
small exhaust leak from Cyl 3, I thought from the joint to the head.
In fact, it was a leak from the connection from the down tube to the
muffler - they were separated by 2mm and the hot gas was jetting up 
to the carb float bowl.  At high power and or high altitude, the exhaust
would boil the gas in the float bowl - bad for serenity of pilot.
After consultation with Andy, I loosed the slip joint on #1, set a bucking
bar on the underside of the muffler, and tapped upward with a plastic
mallet.  The muffler moved 2mm up, the tube seated, and for 3.5 hrs now 
engine is quite smooth.  Withy the elimination of the leak, using my 
cooling flow for cabin heat leads to a cabin CO measurement of 29-30 ppm.
This is well within my tolerable threshold for day flight below FL 100 in 
my current state of health. Household detectors in the US do not alarm 
100 ppm for 15 mins and 30 ppm might be the level expected flying next to 
a smoker.

plug: I am using the CO Experts 2004 detector ($99.)

Ira  N224XS Flying

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