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Europa-List: Re: Credit card refund

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Credit card refund
From: Vaughn Teegarden <>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:30:21

I too was out the 10% deposit on a complete airframe. I called Visa and told
them that I had placed a deposit on an airframe kit and had not recieved it.
I also told them that the company was in recievership, so there was no
chance that I was going to recieve it. I did not mention any dates to them,
only that delivery was promised in 3 months after placing the order. They
sent some forms for me to fill out so I could document whole thing. I
e'mailed Redman Nichols with copies of my reciept from EMIL and then printed
the e'mails out. I had also e'mailed John in Florida and cancelled my order
because they couldn't deliver. I also asked for my deposit back, even though
I knew that it was not possible. He e'mailed back that it was not possible.
I made copies of all these e'mails and other docoments and sent that to Visa
along with their completed form. About 30 to 45 days later that they were
issuing a credit to my account. I have recieved the Redman Nichols report in
which I am listed as loser, so I am saving that in case I need further

In other words, I applied the CYOA (cover your own ass) principle in every
way That I could think of and left as heavy a paper trail as I could.

Vaughn Teegarden
Thankful to have dodged that bullet

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Weert" <>

> Hi Rowland,
> Can you tell me more details about the refund by creditcardcompanies, I
phoned Mastercard to try to get the money I payed EMIL (10% deposit for my
kit #604 & Trailer) with my Mastercard back, but they told me "because it's
more than one month after receiving the cardreceipt, they cannot do anything
for me".
> Regards,
> Tim.
> Fortunately I found G-KITZ in an auction. She'll fly next year again
unther a new Dutch registration.
> ----------------
> Visit EuropaOwnersForum

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