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RE: Europa-List: plexiglas/perspex

Subject: RE: Europa-List: plexiglas/perspex
From: David Buckley <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 00:33:22

I've been flying my Europa for five years with the significantly brown
tinted UK plexiglass.

Although I do fly at night and IRF a reasonable amount in other
aircraft, night IMC and IRF in homebuilt aircraft / kitplanes is not
permitted in the UK.  I have however pushed right up to the limits on a
few occasions in the Europa. ;)

My thought on the matter are  as follows:  

At night one is actually flying IFR (even if visual) at one could enter
cloud at anytime. Therefore everything you have to see to conduct a safe
flight is lit, and an ATC and preferably a Radar service should be used
whenever possible (IMHO)

Balance that with the risk of fatigue from too much heat/light on a
sunny day in the Europa greenhouse - it gets very hot without a great
deal of sun-and probably more time spent flying under these conditions
than the former- hopefully.  Even if light is cut to 25%, I believe you
should still be able to see nav lights at a respectable distance, and in
fact I would say a good exterior scan is more important.

Personally I would be happy to stick with the tint.  I think the colour
choice is more critical so as not to blank the Red/ Green nav lights.

Just an opinion.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Fred R.
Subject: Europa-List: plexiglas/perspex


Hi All,

I'm missing my windshield and windows, and now that I have some time
the issue can be dealt with, I'm looking for some advice and counsel as
whether to go clear, bronze, or grey tint.

Uncertainty was in fact the reason I procrastinated on my order.

Though the bronze is certainly attractive, I'm concerned with regard to
desireability for night flying.

Looking around my local airport ramp, I find only clear windshields plus
occasional light blue/green tint in Bonanzas.

Any thoughts?



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