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RE: Europa-List: Manifold pressure gauge plumbing

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Manifold pressure gauge plumbing
From: Karel Vranken <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 19:50:48

In six days they were able to send you the MPG plumbing kit, week-end 
included. I suppose that you ordered in Lakeland because I am still waiting 
since 21th of july when I ordered for in the UK stores. Unless repeatedly 
e-mails and letters and the keeping up the company's image by Andy I am 
still waiting. I hope that this happy event for you may awake the attention 
on my case.
Karel Vranken
Belgium # 447 mono XS , finishing paintings

>From: "Paul McAllister" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Europa-List: Manifold pressure gauge plumbing
>Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:02:57 -0600
>Hi all,
>I just received the kit from Europa today to connect up my manifold 
>pressure gauge.  I have just finished connecting it up and I must say for 
>those who have a need to penetrate the firewall this is the way to do it.  
>The kit had everything needed, it was quick to install and looks pretty 

Jij geeft, wij verdubbelen. Steun Simon & Odil !

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