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Re: Europa-List: filling

Subject: Re: Europa-List: filling
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 10:03:38

paul stewart wrote:
> Seem to be having reasonable success with the fishing line and super fill
 > technique on the flatter surfaces. Anyone got any handy tips for
 > getting vaguely even layers of filler onto  the highly curved surfaces
> - leading edges and taile plane tips?

I used a 1" x 4" or so strip of aluminum sheet, bent into the shape of 
the LE.  Bend the ends of the strip out at 90-deg, for grip handles. Be 
careful about too thick a layer, to preserve airfoil shape.  The first 
2" is very critical as to how far back along the chord laminar flow is 

Fred F.

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