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Re: Europa-List: Aileron Length

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron Length
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:52:34


One of my ailerons, pre-skinned from the factory, was 5/8" longer than the 
other one and wouldn't fit the corresponding wing. Comparing it to the wing 
by holding one end in place, then the other, using the width of the aileron 
as compared to the wing tip, it appeared the fabricator let the inboard side 
run a little long. Before I did the closeout I took my Dremel (can you build 
a Europa without one?) and the routing plate attachment, set the correct 
depth for what I wanted to cut off, and routed out the foam. I use a 1/4" 
cylidrical metal deburring bit. It works wonders on foam and the foam comes 
out nice and flat. Once the foam was taken out to the correct depth, all of 
about 45 seconds with the Dremel, I cut the aileron off to the proper length 
using a band saw, being careful to maintain the proper angle relative to the 
wing, then glassed the closeout as normal. Use the finest blade you can get 
on the band saw (26 tpi is what I used) and don't expect more than about 10 
cuts out of each blade. Fiberglass is tough on blades and I hear carbon fiber 
is worse.


John Lawton
Dunlap, TN

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