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Rear-mount alternator - was: Cowl Mods

Subject: Rear-mount alternator - was: Cowl Mods
From: Peter Zutrauen <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 21:59:33
Re: the alternator, what about the 35amp Honda Alternator mounted on the
rear of the engine by Jim Nelson (as mentioned in the July 2000 US office
newsletter supplement)? Is that the same one that is on Steve D's great
website ?
I'd imagine that direct-drive off the crank would likely spin it into the
useful current range. Sounds like a great idea, as long as the coupling
damps out the crank harmonics to avoid inducing any weird crank failure

Has anyone heard how Jim's installation is working out? Does anyone know of
any others who rear-mounted an alternator?

I would think that rear-mounting would solve much of the cowling issues, as
well as improve the CG.... no?


-----Original Message-----
Subject:  Cowl Mods

As noted by several on this site there are some concerns and possibly
 mods to the XS cowl.  Personally we're looking at fitting the 40 A Rotax 
alternator to a 914, needing space for a landing light, the on ground
capability, space and airflow for intercooler and improved aerodynamics (go 
faster!).  Bruce & Suzy have also expressed these concerns.  We would be 
willing to partner with other Europa owners / builders to investigate 
improvements to the cowl.  My idea is to inquire of LoPreste to initially 
look at the Europa and see if he thinks these objectives can be achieved.
so the next step would be to find out how much $$ he would charge.  If we 
spread the cost over several of us, it may be manageable. Any body else 
interested of have ideas?  Bruce & Suzy have volunteered to take their 914
LoPreste as the evaluation aircraft.

Jim & Heather A185

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