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Re: Rotax tacho calibration

Subject: Re: Rotax tacho calibration
From: Klaus Dietrich <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:41:36
calibration through the inbuilt poti works just fine. You can easily adjust +/-
500 rpm. You have to do it only once. Check with an optical rpm sensor as you
can get from RC-aircraft model shops.
Could calibrate mine while installed in the panel by putting my hand behind the
panel through the hole of the radios....


David Cripps wrote:

> Calling all electrical experts!
> I have an errant tacho on my Classic (912), that has been underreading by at
> least 10%. I am planning to take it out of the panel to try to adjust the
> calibration screw that I am informed by Andy Draper is in the back of it.
> However, he is not sure if it will have the adjustment range to cope with
> such a big correction. Does anyone have experience of adusting these tachos?
> My aircraft is kit 007 so I don't know if the tachos have changed since
> then. For now I am living with reading a whole different set of figures to
> the rest of you for max rpm, max continuous etc, but I'd like to get it
> straightened out!
> Also, it would be very useful to be able to put a calibration device into
> the panel itself so that the tacho can be calibrated occasionally without
> having to take out the whole panel. Is there some clever gismo (eg
> potentiometer) that can be wired across the tacho terminals and mounted in
> the panel for easy adjustment by a screwdriver?
> Any help/experience gratefully received.
> David

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