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Re: re: Which version

Subject: Re: re: Which version
From: Chris and Susan Beck <>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 21:27:05
Guys, he means it.  Susan and I stopped by the Airmaster booth while at
Oshkosh last week, and I'm not sure if Tony sold us on the Europa or the
Airmaster. :-)  Well, we already own the Europa, so it looks like we'll
have to hang an Airmaster on it now....  Regrettably, we weren't able to
stay for the builder get-together on Sat. evening, but we spent a lot of
time with Andy Draper, and all the rest of the gang, too.

Really, in listening to his glowing performance and flying tales of the
monowheel, I have no doubt that we made the right choice.  Sure, I'll need
to get a full tailwheel checkout and signoff on my ticket before
transitioning into our Europa, but that will just make me a better pilot.

After hauling my instructor aloft today in one of the FBO's C152s,
wallowing along at 35 C ambient and about 75% humidity - doing well at 300
fpm, I can't WAIT to get our Europa finished.

BTW, I'm leaving for the Netherlands this Sunday for 3 weeks on business.
There wouldn't by chance be any Europa builders there?  I'd love to hook up

if there are any.  It should be a great trip, but I'll miss the wife, dogs,

Europa, and flying.  I'm up to 32 hours in my logbook with 3 hours of
night, a bit of instrument, and my solo cross country yet to do.  That
should round me out to about 40 hours.  Then a few hours of review for the
checkride and I'm home free.



"Tony S. Krzyzewski" wrote:

> Take my monowheel away and I'll rip your trike legs off!
> I have never achieved more greaser landings in any other type of
> aircraft than I do in the monowheel and takeoffs, using the correct
> technique, are a non event.
> As with all aircraft types you need to have proper training and keep in
> practice.
> Tony

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