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Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:12:40 -0000

Subject: Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:12:40 -0000
From: Bob.Harrison <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:30:59
Message for Fergus Kyle.
You have such a good "spam" blocker I can't get a message through to you?
I received your Spell Checker Poem along with another message direct to me
on the question of Jabiru 3300
Radio Interference.
The message about the Radio problem needs to be seen to be believed, I
almost discarded it because of your
poem coming through simultaneously.!
Useful tip to probably eliminate ignition interference.
Tell me how and I'll "patch" it on to you.
Although my notes of delivery will be in Lincolnshire
English can't guarantee Queens English in this house!
Jan's dyslexic and I'm too old to change!
Bob Harrison  G-PTAG

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  • Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:12:40 -0000, Bob . Harrison <=