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Re: Fitting the rudder & fin cap

Subject: Re: Fitting the rudder & fin cap
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 08:37:43
I did this with the fuselage halves clecoed together: length of fin is dictated
by the
rudder - and (faint) trim lines were about right. Joggle in the sternpost was 
the right position, but interfered too much with rudder position and movement,
so it's
been cut off, and when the sternpost goes in finally, the area around the joggle
between the top of the sternpost and cap will get a couple of plies of bid. Yes
the top
hinge lies mainly in the cap. The rudder will need some of the top LHS relieved
to allow
it to swing into the cap at full Left.


Paul McAllister wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am fooling around trying to fit up the fin cap and the rudder on my XS.  I
> have a couple of concerns.
> The first is that the seam between the top cap and the skin is sitting above
> the top joggle in the stern post.  I am worried if I cut away the fin to
> lower the joint then this will enlarge the area in the top of the fin too
> much and the cap will not be large enough.
> The second is that it really seems like that the top hinge on the rudder
> ends up right in the middle of the top joggle in the stern post.
> I'd be interested to hear anyone's experience with this part of the job.
> Thanks,
> Paul McAllister
> XS Builder 363 -

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