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Re: u/c red block

Subject: Re: u/c red block
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:41:04
In a message dated 25/01/2001 22:29:44 GMT Standard Time, 

<< Parking the plane compresses the damper, which
 retains its compressed shape for any length flight.  Hence, the
 undercarriage is undamped for the first 3/8" of wheel travel. >>

Yes Shaun, that's exactly it.  Dampers on the Classic weren't obligatory 
though I do have them so probably nothing is going to break.  However it 
doesn't alter the fact that the undercarriage cannot behave as designed.  
Perhaps we should pre-compress them some more  ?  Only Europa can decide.
Perhaps the  biggest shock is when your inspector says "why are these bolts 
so loose !"

Graham  G-EMIN

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