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Frontal View (Berube Gear)

Subject: Frontal View (Berube Gear)
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 15:09:50
Forwarded from bounce bin (but without picture). Message is from
: "Eddie and Sue Lindsay" <>

    Hope you have found these photos to be of some interest. I've 
checked with Mr. Berube (Berube...pronounced "Burr..Bee"), and Bob has 
indicated that he would be happy to respond to any inquiries about his 
gear if you'll contact him at
    I've not seen many photos of the various "conventional" gears that 
have been installed in Europe, nor do I know much about them. Some of 
our European visitors at the Oshkosh display did indicate that the 
Berube gear appeared to be much simpler in design.  As for esthetics, 
you'll have to be the judge...but it does look pretty neat, doesn't it.
    As I indicated previously, I would suggest that you also share any 
comments you might have with the UK office. It will be interesting to 
see what, if anything, comes from all of this. Best to all. -Ed-

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