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Re: Safety Matters: Prop Damage on Braking or Turning

Subject: Re: Safety Matters: Prop Damage on Braking or Turning
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 05:22:29
In a message dated 28/06/00 13:48:09 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

<< Remember that the crew are ahead of the cg, so that with two heavy
 people and little baggage extra care should be taken. >>

But they are behind the pivot point of the mainwheel contact, which is the 
point about which the aircraft rotates when on the ground. So statically it 
is better, dynamically i.e. if it rolls and you brake, it is worse as said.  

I had this disaster (static situation) in 1997  and the height of the c.of g. 
was (is?) not known at Europa. It would be difficult to find out without 
suspending the aircraft vertically and measuring the displacement of the 
longit axis.  Establishing a limit would be even more of a problem. All  
loads, baggage, passengers, fuel, even instrument panels,  aggravate the 
dynamic problem as they are above the pivot point, wherever the c.of g. ends 
up.  Have adopted the technique of closing the throttle  immediately static 
rpm is seen to be satisfactory.

Graham C.

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