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Subject: No Subject
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 10:52:43
Bonjour a tous
My #273 is a classic with XS cowlings and XS engine installation and old
tail wheel.
I started building in March96 and the first flight took place in November
My 19m2 garage was arranged as a work shop and the lak of surface has been
all along the project a real problem.
For example I had to rig and derig the plane  in my garden several time  .
I  built a special oven to put  in the right place the wing on the fuselage.
I Worked completly alone and did everything by myself , including painting,
upholstery, electrical wiring, instruments installation and first flight.
I Spent a lot of time reading the buider manual , and preparing each step
of the construction. I managed the two first step very quickly.(one year).
The third and fourth step were much longer because there was a lot of
choise and arrangement you have to determine by  your self.
Estmation of   build hours gives 2200H.
This duration has been compared with the estimation of my friend Alain
Chabert #275 . Alain worked in similar conditions.
I hope this will be useful

Bonne anne a tous les Anglophone!


Rowland & Wilma Carson <> on 23/12/99 19:40:23

Veuillez r=E9pondre =E0 Rowland & Wilma Carson <>

Pour :    Europa e-mail list <>
cc :   (ccc : Jean-Philippe Neel/FR/Schneider)
Objet :   XS build hours

It seems as if I managed to trash John Ginther's original query about
hours to complete the XS (I really don't make a habit of losing
correspondence - in fact up until now I've got a better collection of
Europa list postings than even AVnet!) Not many customer-built
examples of the XS are flying yet. I know of:

354  G-ROOV  David K Richardson
360  G-BYSA  Brian Allsop        1800 hrs
A083 N7552Z  Dennis Vories

And as you can see only one of those admits to the time taken. As
always, I welcome any other data!


PFA 16532   EAA 168386   Young Eagles Flight Leader 017623
Europa builder #435 G-ROWI

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