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Something to share . . .

Subject: Something to share . . .
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:01:13
Got this note from an aircraft company over the pond inviting me
to review their electrical systems on certified versions of Zenair
and other products. Thought I would share it and my response with
those of you who are ALREADY building the best airplanes to have
ever flown . . .

Subject: Consulting
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 14:58:21 +0100

Dear Bob,

I can see you are a real expert with aircraft avionics and understand
the light aircraft requirements very well. Would you be interested 
in reviewing our wiring diagram and methods then offering your opinion 
or suggestions on a consulting basis?

We manufacture the Zenair CH601, CH701, and CH801. We make many 
ready-to-fly aircraft. We do not have any electrical problems or 
complaints. I just like to know we are doing the best and most 
professional job we can given the type and style aircraft.



I think I had some conversation with somebody in your facility several
years back . . . don't even recall now what we discussed. Yes, I'd
be pleased to help advance the state of the art in aircraft design
and manufacturing any place in the world.

If you've read my postings or downloadable articles from
our website, you may have deduced that I don't have much good to say
about regulation . . . be it for aircraft or any other technology.
I have observed that technologies lagging furthest behind the
amazing things we can buy in department stores are those managed 
by some agency of government.

Our FAA is spending $millions$ to buy NEW computers that will run
OLD software . . . the certification effort here in the US is so
time consuming and expensive that our factories are content to build
brand new, 40 year old airplanes. Aviation is the world's largest
and nearly last institution that speaks to each other on AM
modulated, wish-I-could-hear-him-better radios that cost kilodollars.
Contrast this with average citizens who speak to aunt Martha on a 
spread spectrum instrument that somebody GAVE to him if he'd simply
subscribe to a telephone service.

I can tell you that there are ways that you can install the entire
electrical system on your factory floor in 3 man hours or less.
There are ways to GUARANTEE that your products will never experience
an electrical emergency. There are ways to bring your systems into
the 21st century with pride for having crafted the elegant engineering
solution using the "best we know how to do".

Depending on your country's regulatory grip on your windpipe, you
just might become the premier manufacturer of MODERN aircraft for
sale to the general public . . . something that Cessna, Beech, Piper
and Mooney will never achieve.

If I can assist in some small way, I'd be pleased to do so.

Bob . . .

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  • Something to share . . ., Robert L . Nuckolls III <=