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Re: Hello to the list!

Subject: Re: Hello to the list!
From: John Wigney <>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 22:08:47
RESEND to Europa list

Chris and Sue Beck wrote:
> > 
> One question at this point:  would it be valuable to invest in an epoxy
> pump, or does the Europa "weight balance" work satisfactorily?  Paul
> McAllister is a local builder here in Wisconsin that we've visited some
> time ago, and suggested that it works just fine.  We will be visiting
> him again soon to see his progress.
Hi Chris and Sue,

Welcome to the gang. Suggest you don't spend a lot of money on the fancy
resin pump. Recommend an electronic postal scale from Office Max or
Office Depot. Mine was around $50 as I remember. A cheap DC charger from
Radio Shack can be adapted to avoid batteries which run down. Cover the
scale carefully with Clingwrap, aluminum foil and tape as appropriate to
prevent resin and hardener drips getting in the works. The scale can be
zeroed with the empty cup on the scale and if you set the readout to
grams, the resolution is very adequate. (~28 gms/ounce)

I have made up a simple spreadsheet with the 100:27 ratio for Aeropoxy
so that I can easily pick a round number value of grams of hardener to
add to a specific value of resin. I rarely use more than 100 grams of
resin in one mix. You can buy a West System epoxy pump at boat stores or
mail order from West Marine which will permit you to easily dispense
---From the gallon cans of resin. I dispense the hardener from a clean,
used, dishwashing liquid squeezy bottle. Works fine.

Cheers, John

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