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TP 6

Subject: TP 6
From: gralfs <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:08:59
The solution to solve the problem with the TP 6 bushes by using loctide
is very easy and a typical "homebuild" solution.

But there are two problems with the loctide solution:

- cleaning the bonding area though a small gab
- get enough loctide into the gap

In my europa the play is in the limits, but I dont like to fly an
aircraft with play in the elevator. So I decided to use the loctide
I cleaned the bonding area with Di-Chlor-Methan and compressed air ( 7
bar ). It's simple  to blow the cleaning agend into the gab and get the
area free of grease.
To get loctide 603 into the gap I used compressed air only with 0.5 bar
and carefully blow the loctide into the gap.
Of course its not possible to check how much loctide is in there, but
its possible to make a simple test.
German elevatortest ( for experimentals )
- elevator fixed
- 50 kg load at the stick
If the test result is o.k. and checking the play in elevator is part of
the daily checklist, than I think it is save to fly the aircraft.


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