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RE: Figure Z-7 Update . . .

Subject: RE: Figure Z-7 Update . . .
From: Johannes Czernin <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 01:03:34
Hi, Bob,

Funny thing - last night I downloaded the corrected Z-7 drawing you had
announced in your message, and tonight I find this new message from you
announcing the latest, once more "revised" version of the same drawing. Of
course, I just HAD to download that one too, and - lo and behold! - this
turns out to be nothing new but rather exactly the setup you sent me some
years ago, and which I then fitted to my Rotax 2-stroke-engined Kitfox.

All I can say is that I can really recommend this system to anyone using one
of these whizz engines. On my airplane, I had no less than two total
failures of the infamous "cheapie" regulator supplied as standard by Rotax,
plus a couple of intermittent instances of overvoltage. The "crowbar" setup
did its trick exactly as it is supposed to do, and I must confess that in at
least one of these occurrences I would surely not have caught the failure
condition before some damage would have been inflicted.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Robert L. Nuckolls, III
> Subject: Figure Z-7 Update . . .
> Just got off the phone with a reader who made an
> excellent suggestion for an addition to the Rotax
> 912 power distribution diagram I posted a few days
> ago.
> By turning the alternator ov disconnect relay around
> the n.c. contacts were available to drive an "alternator
> warn" light on the panel that would illuminate if
> the system goes into ov trip or the alternator control
> breaker is pulled.
> Any of you who downloaded Figure Z-7 are invited to
> get the revised document at:

       Bob . . .
                      (o o)
       <  A mind abhors a vacuum . . . >
       <   When deprived of facts,     >
       <  our fantasies are generally  >
       <   much worse than reality.    >

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