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Re: Smart Level

Subject: Re: Smart Level
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 23:24:21
Hi Steve and Pops,

I bought the (60 cm) 24" SMART TOOL LEVEL from MSC Industrial
Supply,1-800-645-7270, ($115.00) Had I to do it over again
I would have gotten the sensor module only (they call it a Builder's Angle
finder) and used it on top of a standard level if I needed one that long.  It
lists for $101.00.The sensor module is only about 6 or 8 inches long. On mine
the sensor module does come out but you have to take out 4 screws and the
battery is contained in the end of the 24" section. So I'm going to have to
try and modify mine if I have a tight place to get into. 
Hope this helps.

Troy #120

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