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Mobile Home

Subject: Mobile Home
From: Edward Gladstone <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 18:14:04
>Barry Tennant - Wrote:-
>If anyone has experiences with the camp site at the field and rental of a
>Home, or other tips / pitfalls, I would be pleased to hear from them.

I have hired a Mobile Home (or RV) several times in Florida,  each one
larger than the last,    ending up with a 40 footer!!     We had a fabulous
time...... they are a complete home from home, equipped with absolutely
everything you could possibly require.    You must use recognised camp
sites and you are supplied, by the hirer (we used Go-Vacations), with a
thick guide/map book listing thousands of sites all over the country.  All
the sites we used were excellent.   Only recommendation is to watch the
insurance charges;   there are three bands .... the first, and cheapest, 
almost useless.   We tended to go for the top band for complete peace of
mind --- though, fortunately, never had to use it!  Saw many, however, with
back end damage due to unfamiliarity with such a long vehicle.   Also watch
for the deep gutters on the exit from  filling stations and dinners ----
the long overhang can drag on the ground and the dump valves for the foul
water tanks are located there!

ps.--- thanks for the info on Walter Binder's Europa  


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