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Re: Re: Tailwheel Arm

Subject: Re: Re: Tailwheel Arm
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 05:13:44
In a message dated 29/11/97  17:14:22, you John wrote:

<< If all else fails, $5 worth of steel and a LOT of filing should make a
second tailwheel arm. >>

Early builders might still have the outrigger arms which were replaced (2
sets!) one set of which is suitable arm material, used singly if a short arm
is needed or two bolted together for a longer one. 

 Incidentally I have a program which grinds out accurately the the tailwheel
motion and cable slackening as a function of the drive arm, length, tail arm
length and any offests at each end from the axis (a monstous interation
process for the mathematically interested) . I transmitted as a Basic text
file to Dave Watts who ran it successfully so I know it travels, though it
didn't in compiled form.  It is attached to this message.

All we need now it just what armlengths and offsets really work to our

Graham C.  G-EMIN

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