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Re: Flying, flying!!

Subject: Re: Flying, flying!!
From: Klaus Dietrich <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 16:08:35
Thanks for your assistance. 
I - OE-CKD - made my first flight this afternoon, May 29th, in Voeslau (LOAV),
near Vienna. Everything was fine, just a little bounce on landing, but I could
feel how good the shock absorber is doing his work. All temperatures remained
within the green arcs. Climb rate was 1000 fpm. Cruise was about 120 kts at 5200
rpm. :-) big grin. 
With kit number 132 I started building in August 1994 and completed the aircraft
after about 2500  very happy hours of building.

Kit number 133 my best friend Andreas Doblhoff-Dier, - OE-ADD - also made his
first flight this afternoon. :-) Same big grin. 

All the best, see you hopefully in Cranfield

Klaus (OE-CKD)

PS: What do you mean with tickover and BTW? My English isn't as good as my

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