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Subject: Seats
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 09:16:45
Martin, you must be using very thick/dense ply (or light scales ! ) Here are
my seat component weights.

Base ply    308 g      (6mm)
Back ply    391 g
                 691 g  (1.5 lb)      3 lb the pair

2" foam  back 459
     "       seat  351
                      810 (1.8 lb)     3.6 lb the pair

Covers  150 g    (0.33 lb)      0.7lb the pair

Total 2 seats  ...............................  7.3lb     
(except for the bridge strips below,  glassed in beyond weighing now)

I originally intended to back the lightweight foam with a denser variety but
headroom for my giraffe type frame precluded this. Anyway it weighed in
nearly twice as heavy as the foam above so would have added another 6 lb.  So
it's better to get the backup  (bottoming ?) spring from a thin ply than a
layer of denser foam.

Foam idea sounds good though as long as it doesn't crumble with time.  But
you lose a place to store emergency rations, valuables etc., (and a place to
lose nuts/bolts and spanners (:-))).

Graham C.

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