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List Archive (aka EuroChat)

Subject: List Archive (aka EuroChat)
From: Peter Thomas <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 01:59:24
>>Didn't you fix a program a while back which would search an archive
of postings to this list?, what happened to it? <<

Please note the subject change Rowland and I hope I clipped enough Graham
<G> It's so hard to please everyone :-)

The list archive database can be downloaded from the ftp site:

It is compressed into a file called EuroChat.Zip. Extract the setup files
then run setup.exe on a Win 3.11 or Win 95 PC.

You will get a database of all messages that you can sort, filter, edit and
delete to your hearts content. The best bit ( from my point of view <g>) is
that you are responsible to keep it updated. All you do is import the
monthly archive file produced by Majordomo (the list software). This can be
requested from the list very easily by sending an e-mail to the address:  just include the commands 

get europa europa.9702

You would obviously substitute the appropriate years and months as you
require. (9702 BTW is for Feb 1997 ! )

Good luck


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