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ANR headset conversion

Subject: ANR headset conversion
From: James Hull <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 18:07:40
Some weeks (months?) ago, there was a posting about an ANR (active noise
reduction) conversion kit for homebuilder's headsets.  I was a little
bit wary, but ordered a kit through Aircraft Spruce ($160 US).  The kit
is well built, and fit my FlightCom 5DX set perfectly.  Yesterday I put
it to the test.  I fired up my Avid, turned on the radio and listened to
the usual noise.  Then I turned on the ANR power supply.  What a
difference!!  The ANR works best with low frequencies, and the Rotax 582
tends to favor high frequency noise, but the result was still terrific. 
So impressed am I, that I will order a second kit for my passenger's
comfort.  There will be provision for this unit when I get to the panel
building stage.

Negatives?  The instructions are confusing, but the drawings included
are excellent, so the conversion is not difficult.  Sure beats the cost
of Clark or Bose units.

Headsets, Inc is located in Amarillo, Texas.  Their e-mail address is


Their phone number is (806) 358-6336, or 800 876-3374 for us Yankees.

Jim Hull    A016
the windy city

Stage 1 complete !!

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