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Subject: Introduction
From: Richard King <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 12:50:30
Hello! This is just to introduce myself.  I am buying a share in G-BVLV,
which I gather is flying nicely.  I have not yet had a chance to get my
hands on it, since I am in Italy, flying 767s on long-haul charter, mostly
to the Caribbean.  I am retiring next year, so it will all be ready for me
when I get back.  I hope to have a go in October, when I come back to
England for my Instrument Rating Renewal. (The problems of flying Irish
registered aircraft, on lease to an Italian Airline, when using a British
Licence are considerable!)

When I return I would like to get involved in the actual building of a
Europa, assuming I can ever find the time.

I would like to join the Europa Club.  If any of the club officials are
on-line, would you please send me an application form. (Fax please, Italian
Snail-mail is sluggish, to put it mildly)

Richard & Tricia King        XX     XXXX      First there was justice.
Via S.Tommaso d'Aquino 7    X X     X           Then there was the law.
21100 Varese, Italy        XXXX     XXXX           Now there are only lawyers!
Phone/Fax 0332-320693     X   X     X
                         X    X I R XXXX U R O P E

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