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Re: Final report on ski sanding.

Subject: Re: Final report on ski sanding.
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 09:53:08

> When I wrote about this method (11.2.96) it had only been tested on the 
> tail surfaces where the area accessible to the ski sander was small. 

I presume that you call this a sand ski because of the piles of white 
stuff left on the floor that you can almost ski on :-)

I am encouraged by your report. Anything that will take the elbow 
work out of sanding has to be good. 

How much danger is ther of accidentally going too deep and cutting 
into the glass with your method?

Is there anyway that you can think of to add a vaccum attachment to 
reduce the dust nuisance?

Sent from Tony Krzyzewski's roaming computer
somewhere on the planet earth.

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