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Re: Cowling and engine alignment

Subject: Re: Cowling and engine alignment
From: Graham E Laucht <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 22:22:26
In message <960403180048_101234.3202_GHV78-3@CompuServe.COM>, Duncan
McFadyean <> writes
>But for anyone considering using the Jabiru, Emdair or belt-reduction or
>epicyclic reduction on something else, the offset may need to be the other way!

I assume there is no tail skew on the Europa as well.

I once knew a man who took a certain American standard kitplane which
was skewed in the tail and engine mount department for a Rotax 582 setup
who then proceeded to install a more powerful Hirth F30 which of course
went the other way round.

Unfortunately, or otherwise, sound financial reasoning required the sale
of the Hirth and the reinstallation of the Rotax.
What fun the first flight would have been.

Graham E Laucht

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