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Subject: re:comments
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 20:32:13


        In the UK all builders under the Popular Flying Authority 
 wing must have an inspector to keep an eye on their project and 
 sign off various stages of build. These inspectors are experienced 
 builders/aviation professionals and are usually the first point of 
 call for us 'first time' builders.  They can usually clarify 
 instructions and details without you having to call the factory. 
 In fact, you usually work it out yourself after reading through 
 the manual a few times and doing a 'dry run' with the bits in your 

        I have no idea if there is a similar setup in NZ, but the 
 PFA Strut/EAA Chapter setup should be an invaluable first point of 
 reference for the first time builder if inspectors are not 

        You have to put a lot of effort and planning, as well as 
 money and time, into building ANY plane, and I would suggest that 
 someone who has not made contact with an inspector/experienced 
 builder before they start has not thought through the implications 
 of the project. Dont forget, we all have different abilities, and 
 will more than likely sail through a section that someone else will 
 have problems with, and then come to a stop later on, whilst others 
 had no problems there at all. Thats when you ask your inspector...

        If you balls it up in the middle of a layup then ring the 
 factory. If they are open they will help you then and there. 
 Otherwise I have found it as easy to fax them and have always had 
 a reply later the same day or next morning, by fax. If you are 12 
 hours out of step with the factory then you NEED a guy in your 
 time zone, who has built something before, who you can call in the 
 middle of that flap layup thats going wrong. 

        Alternatively, if you want to  some part of the 
 design, then give the factory some credit. They have more than 
 likely been there, done it, etc. If not, they probably decided they 
 didnt need to go there, do it, etc. Most of us are probably 
 deviating from the plans: Fitting a strobe, snazzy turned up 
 wingtips. The factory built and sold us a kit plane with their 
 plans. The responsibility for builders mods lies on the builders 

        No, I'm not saying that its always your fault, but if youve 
 got things sorted out before you start, and made allowances for 
 isolation/time zones/experience, then apart from <some> 
 frustration you will build the plane of your dreams.

        I have no intention of abandoning my europa. There is a 
 large box file 3/4 full of tips from this email list sat in my 
 workshop, to supplement the instructions and advice from others. 
 Yes, I would have liked a metal fuel tank, yes, I have been held 
 up by lack of parts, yes, I have found the manual ambiguous at 
 times, yes, I have told Andy and Ivan what I thought of the 
 instrument panel ! If you want something enough its worth the 


 chus, dave

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