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Re: Introduction

Subject: Re: Introduction
From: Steven A Eberhart <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 08:01:42
On Tue, 23 Jan 1996, John Ashley wrote:

> Dear Europa mailing list,
> I am also an aeromodeller - as I am sure many of us are or were - 
and the 
> Europa makes an attractive subject, albeit tricky in some areas. I have the 
> information pack and video, are any three view drawings available?

I too plan on building an Europa and build radio controlled models.  I am 
designing a 40% scale Europa with Rutan wet layup fuselage and Europa 
style hot wired foam flying surfaces.  The reason for the exercise is to 
work out the details of vacuum bagging the flying surfaces.  I really 
think that vacuum bagged wet layup construction is a better way to go.

I have tried to buy the Berkut construction videos that detail the vacuum 
bagging technique but they won't even return my e-mail enquiries.  I 
bought the tail plane manual fron Europa and have every published article 
I could find for scale documentation.  I have been trying to get the 
airfoil coordinates for the wing and tail but havn't been successful 
there yet.  I hope to be able to put my deposit down for my 100% scale 
kit in March.  I might have better luck getting the airfoil coordinates 
after I have put up the earnest money for the kit.  In all fairness to 
Europa I havn't contacted Ivan directly for the coordinates but will 

The tail plane manual has a three view.  I would be glad to scan it and 
put it on my home page if you would like.


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