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UK Insurance Ground Cover

Subject: UK Insurance Ground Cover
From: Rolph Muller <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 16:54:33
Hi everyone.

I've only had two replies since my last mailing on this subject. One (thanks
Alan) said  my insurer seemed very competitive against the Europa recommended
one - and another from Polygon asking me for details of my cover - I'd forgotten
- but apparently they are involved with Europa somehow. I did contact an
insurance company in the Channel Islands about 18 months ago - they said they
would get in touch with me and with Europa - but I never heard anything more
---From them. Anyway for anyone who is interested, try Maureen Sanlon at HR
Jennings - 0181 680 0688. My ground cover is for fire, storm, tempest, flood,
burst pipes, aircraft, explosion, riot, civil comm, malicious damage, theft
risks, angry wives, angry dogs - you name it. My quote for L30K was L198.11.
L30K you ask? is that all?? - well my labour comes very cheap!!


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