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Bowed wing blocks

Subject: Bowed wing blocks
From: P.J.Lawless <>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 21:25:33
>      Subject: Do you have bowed leading edges?
>      From: "Martin J.Tuck" <>
>      Date: 11 Sep 95 21:18:32 EDT
> Fellow builders ...
> As the weather here in Kansas has been far too hot to do the wing leading edge
> layups (95F - 105F - everyday!) I have been progressing with the fuselage. I
> however beginning to cool down at last and will be looking to do the first 
> wing
> layup in the next month once the tempertures are once again down in the lower
> 70's. I have the wing leading edges bonded to the spars and have noticed that
> although I spot epoxied the wire slots in their jigs on a very flat surface,
> they are on the spar the centre and outer sections appear very slightly bowed
> each as much as 1/8th inch. This may not sound much but when you run your eye
> along the leading edge it seems most obvious and is most annoying. I just 
> can't
> leave it like that.
> I have put it down to natural stresses in the foam and they are very easy to
> push back straight as the leading edges in their uncovered state are quite
> flexible.
> I am figuring that when I do the layup I will jig up the leading edges to stay
> straight during cure which I believe will be quite easy just by leaning and
> lightly clamping a straight edge either side of the top and bottom surfaces.
> Once cured the hard skin will keep the leading edges straight.
> Has anyone else encountered this problem - and how did you solve it?
> I have been going exactly one year - although I have also been relocated from
> the U.K to here in Wichita during that time also. The tail surfaces are done
> apart from priming and painting and the controls mounted in the cockpit 
> module.
> The wing ribs are also done. Even so I seem to have been going forever.
> Its interesting, the tailplanes took 8 man hours to complete to the filler
> stage. Once the filler had been applied (hour each side) it took a further 8
> hours of sanding (2 hours each side) before getting the surface finish I was
> looking for. The wings should be fun to fill and sand as they are probably 6
> times the area. Hence the need to get them straight to begin with!
> I would appreciate any comments.
> Martin Tuck
> Builder #152, Wichita, Kansas, USA.
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My leading edges were ok - but I built them soon after receiving 
the wing kit.  I did find that both outer trailing edges were very 
bowed.  This was fixed by wieghting them in there jigs on a flat
bench and glueing to them 3 of 2 by 1 plained timber battons.
These were left in place until after the blocks were firmly fixed to 
the spar.

Pete Lawless

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