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Europa-List: Re: Heavy Landing on Tri Gear.

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Heavy Landing on Tri Gear.
From: Roland <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 22:15:26

Good morning Alan,

my plane also had two previous owners and kit started as a Mono and was 
to a Trigear with a Rotax 914 (btw I'm also investigating on that kick back
problem at low temperatures now but since I already needed a new engine there
probably is some set up yet to be done), so very similar to yours in this 
It is a complete XS although the build number is quite low. I learned, that
the reference for that number is the shipping of the first stage of the kit
(tailplane as far as I recall it) and maybe the builder didn't progress with
it as planned (like so many others?).  

Despite a negative overboost experience last year I still have that "Europa 
and today I cannot imagine to separate one day.  

I haven't done a complete flapless landing yet. I normally use the 18 T/O 
The runway at my homebase is 1500 metres tarmac so indeed there is no reason
not to try it.


XS Trigear 914

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