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Europa-List: Make A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Butto

Subject: Europa-List: Make A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Button...
From: Matt Dralle <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 00:09:47

There is an automatic "squelch button" of sorts for the Fund Raiser messages. 
Here's how it works...  As soon as a List member makes a Contribution through
the Matronics Fund Raiser web site, their email address is automatically added
to this year's Contributor List and they instantly cease to receive further Fund
Raiser messages for the rest of the month!  Its just that simple!  :-)

I really do appreciate each and every one of your individual Contributions to 
the Lists.  It is your support that enables me to upgrade the hardware
and software that are required to run a List Site such as this one.  It also 
to pay for the commercial-grade Internet connection and to pay the huge electric
bill to keep the computer gear running and the air conditioner powered
on.  I run all of the Matronics Email List and Forums sites here locally which
allows me to control and monitor every aspect of the system for the utmost in
reliably and performance.  Your personal Contribution matters because, when 
with other Listers such as yourself, it pays the bills to keep this site
up and running.  I accept exactly ZERO advertising dollars for the Matronics
Lists sites.  I can't stand the pop-up ads and all other commercials that are
so prevalent on the Internet these days and I particularly don't want to have
it on my Email List sites. 

If you appreciate the ad-free, grass-roots, down-home feel of the Matronics 
Lists, please make a Contribution to keep it that way!!  

or, you can send a personal check to the following address:

        Matronics / Matt Dralle
        581 Jeannie Way 
        Livermore, CA 94550

Thank you! 

Matt Dralle 
Matronics Email List Administrator 

[Note that there are certain circumstances where you might still see a 
related message.  For example, if someone replies to one of the messages,
when using the List Browse feature, or when accessing List message via the 
The system keys on the given email address and since most of these are anonymous
public access methods, there is no simple way to filter them.]

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