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RE: Europa-List: Door Hinges

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Door Hinges
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:27:27

RE:  Door hinges.

If you believe stronger hinges are needed=2C keep in mind that you will rip
 out the fiberglass in the cabin top or door tang instead of the hinge fail
ing and maybe causing some minor cracking which is easily repaired.  

During start and run up if you insist on leaving the door open=2C stronger 
hinges may be OK but you better lay some extra glass on the top.  

I've replaced three sprung or lost doors over the last five years.  He who 
had the stronger hinges paid more to have the top of the aircraft repaired
=2C vs replacing the door.

The hing material is MS 20001-5.  Available at Aircraft Spruce.

Custom Flight Creations (813) 653-4989

> Subject: Europa-List: Door Hinges
> From:
> Date: Tue=2C 14 Apr 2009 08:26:18 +0300
> To:
> Since it looks like my kit is missing door hinges of any type=2C I'll hav
e to get some. I seem to remember talk of stronger hinges for the doors bei
ng spec'd out at some point. Anyone have a vendor/part # handy?
> Thanks=2C
> Dan
> Visit -

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