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Europa-List: [Please Read] SPAM Filter Could Be Causing Posting Problems

Subject: Europa-List: [Please Read] SPAM Filter Could Be Causing Posting Problems
From: Matt Dralle <>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 21:38:58
  For Some Members...?

Dear Listers,

Matronics is now utilizing a SPAM filter appliance to filter out the 
excessive amounts of inappropriate email that bombards the Email List 
Forums each day.  The filter is reporting that over 66% of the email 
messages sent to Matronics email destinations are of SPAM content and 
reviewing the logfiles, it would appear to be true.  That is indeed great!

While the Lists are enjoying the breath of fresh air afforded by the new 
appliance, I am suspecting that a few legitimate email List posts are being 
blocked as too, although I can't confirm this.  It is difficult to churn 
through the logfiles looking though thousands of blocked email messages 
trying to determine if any legitimate List posts were blocked.

If you suspect that your posts are accidently being blocked by the SPAM 
filter appliance, I have created a new Trouble Report web page that will 
allow you to report your problems directly to me without having to use 
email.  If the SPAM filter is blocking your email address for some reason, 
then its likely that I wouldn't be able to receive your direct email 
regarding difficulty in posting.  The web form bypasses the incoming email 
and directs your message directly to me.

Please include as much information as possible regarding the problems you 
are having including any bounced email or email error messages that you may 
have received back in regard to your posts to the lists.  The more 
information I have about the email you are sending and what the errors you 
are receiving, the better chance I'll have in hunting down the problem.

The Trouble Report Website URL is:

I apologize for any inconvenience the SPAM filter may be causing you.  I 
will work toward resolving your issues as quickly as possible.

Best regards,

Matt Dralle
Matronics EMail List Administrator

Matt G Dralle | Matronics | PO Box 347 | Livermore | CA | 94551
925-606-1001 V | 925-606-6281 F | Email WWW | Featuring Products For Aircraft

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