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XS Aileron/wing-fit

Subject: XS Aileron/wing-fit
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:28:22
XS Aileron fit to wing.

It doesn=92t!

The length of the trailing edge of the wing feature to receive the aileron 
half an inch longer than the aileron. this leaves a gap between the tip=0Aof
the aileron and the inside of the tip close-out.

Yes I have used the XS aileron kit.

The official response was =91whoops!' The man who built the prototype 
close-out with cardboard extensions and forgot to tell anyone.

I hope that this will help anyone building XS ailerons by forewarning 
would be well advised to extend the tip close-outs by  13mm during build.=0AYou
can always cut them back if they change the wing.

I have also found that the mass balance arms restrict the aileron 
if they are made to drawing. Don=92t rush to fit the mass balances, or=0Ato
fill the ailerons until more advice is available. I think that the 
were probably fine for  the foam built wings, but the are not quite=0Athe
business for the pre-built wings. 

Good Luck.... Bryan Allsop...360uk=0A

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