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Europa Mail: New Subscriber

Subject: Europa Mail: New Subscriber
From: David Dufton <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 1996 19:28:56
Yet another new subscriber to the Europa page, though a long-time builder 
(no 16)of G-OURO, seen "nearly ready to fly" at Cranfield 1995.   Well, 'RO 
is still nearly ready to fly, but is waiting for the completion of the 
flight test program to G-NDOL, Graham Brunwin's and Melvin Cross's 
Subaru-powered Europa before I can continue in their footsteps.    The first 
stages of their flight test program have gone really well, the Subaru EA-81 
engine performing superbly, giving initial cruise speeds at around 135 knots 
and at rpm well
below max.

As a number of you may already know, I have the dubious honour of being the
editor of the Europa Flyer, the quarterly magazine of the Europa Club, and
as such am always on the look-out for suitable and interesting articles to
bring the Flyer up to Booker-prize-nomination standard.  W.H.Y?  (Whilst I
can print internet-style articles straight from the Europa page, these are
burdened with all the "handshaking"/address mumbo jumbo of course, so I 
would much prefer to have something properly typed-up & ready for direct 
copying, or on disk in a Word for Windows format).

Thanks in advance for all the exciting contributions I know I will now be
inundated with  -  David Dufton

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